Our services

Physiotherapy services across London.

Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy is a science-based healthcare profession that aims to restore movement and function within the body.

It focuses on stretching, strengthening, and mobilising the tissues, joints, and muscles to enable pain-free movement.

Osteopathy Services across London

Osteopathy Services

Osteopathy is an approach to assessing, diagnosing and treating a range of conditions that affect us in everyday life. These conditions can range from acute pain and injury to more complex issues affecting over a longer period of time.

Shockwave Therapy services as an supplementary service to Physiotherapy across London.

Shockwave Therapy Services

Shockwave therapy works by delivering pulses of energy, powerful enough to reach damaged tissues.

If traditional physiotherapy just isn’t working for your injury, Shockwave might be an appropriate escalation in your treatment.

Specialist brace fitting services across London.

Specialist Brace Fitting Services

Bracing is a therapy option that uses external braces on limbs to provide additional support for unstable joints or ligaments. Braces are often made of soft, durable fabric, but can also include metal, plastic and Velcro straps. They can be custom-made or come patient-ready. Your physiotherapist can make sure you choose the right brace and get it customised for your needs.


skiing against at blue sky with snowy mountains

Our physiotherapists and strength & conditioning coaches will create a programme designed to get you fit enough to enhance your ability and stamina on the slopes.

We’ll assess your fitness for weaknesses which may leave your vulnerable to injury and create a robust plan to keep you safe!

Strength and Conditioning programme created and tailored by Technique Health and Fitness.

Strength and Conditioning Services

Our Strength and Conditioning service has been developed to support individuals in meeting their performance goals.

We have developed two packages, a virtual package that enables you to have all the support you need anywhere in the globe, and the second is in person with lots of added benefits.

Sports Massage services for individuals across London.

Sports Massage Services

Sports massage is a form of manual therapy, and includes deep tissue massage, soft tissue release and trigger point therapy. Some might find it uncomfortable, but it is very effective at restoring optimal muscle length and decreasing tension within muscle tissue.