How to sleep better with lower back pain

Here at Technique Health & Fitness, we understand the challenges of dealing with lower back pain, especially when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. Sleep is essential for our overall health and wellbeing, but it can be elusive when you're struggling with discomfort. Fortunately, there are several strategies and techniques that can help alleviate the pain and improve your sleep quality, and today we'll explore some tips and recommendations. If you have ongoing back pain issues, come and see our physiotherapists at our clinic in Bank, Central London - we are always happy to help. Book online today.

Evaluate your sleep set-up:

  • Start by assessing your mattress and pillows. A supportive mattress that keeps your spine aligned can make a significant difference in managing lower back pain. Consider investing in a mattress specifically designed to help this condition.

  • Use pillows strategically to support your lower back and maintain proper spinal alignment. Experiment with different sleeping positions to find what works best for you.

    Incorporate Heat Therapy:

    • Heat therapy can be incredibly soothing for lower back pain. Try applying a heating pad or a warm towel to the affected area before bed to help relax tense muscles and alleviate discomfort.

    • Alternatively, taking a warm bath or shower before bedtime can also provide relief and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.

    Gentle Stretching Exercises:

    • Incorporate gentle stretching exercises into your bedtime routine to help improve flexibility and alleviate stiffness in your lower back. Focus on stretches that target the muscles surrounding the lower back, such as hamstring stretches, pelvic tilts, and cat-cow stretches.

    • Avoid aggressive or strenuous exercises close to bedtime, as these may exacerbate your back pain and make it harder to sleep.

    Practice Good Sleep Hygiene:

    • Establish a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

    • Create a comfortable sleep environment that promotes relaxation and restfulness. This includes keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, and minimising distractions such as electronic devices.

    • Practice relaxation techniques before bed, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or gentle yoga.

We are committed to helping our clients achieve optimal health and well-being: by incorporating these tips and recommendations into your bedtime routine, you can take proactive steps to manage your lower back pain and improve your sleep quality. Remember that finding the right approach may require some trial and error, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. If you continue to experience severe or persistent back pain, don't hesitate to seek guidance from us. With the right support and techniques, you can sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Head to our booking page to schedule a consultation.

If you would like to find out more about how physiotherapy can help you, get in touch with us at / call 0333 358 3534.


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